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Sunday services:
Worship begins at 9:30 and ends between 10:30 and 10:45. On the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate communion as a congregation which results in a service that often goes a little past 10:30. On the other Sundays of the month, services are more likely to end around 10:30 unless Pastor Kyle gets on a roll or follows too many bunny trails in his sermon. Regardless, the service will be over by 10:45.
Most of our congregation dresses casually for worship. Jeans and t-shirts will be seen, along with dresses, skirts and slacks. Shorts are also acceptable. Frankly, you are welcome to wear whatever you find comfortable as long as it is appropriate in public. Suits and ties are rarely seen, but if that is what comfortable means to you, by all means go for it!
We believe that our children are gifts from God and as such we are pleased to have them worship with us at any time. Resources for engaging children are available each week in the sanctuary. On the first Sunday of the month, children remain in worship for the entire service so that they may participate in sacrament of Communion. On the other Sundays of the month, children will be invited mid-way through the service to participate in nursery and Children's Church options if they so choose. A cry room with an audio feed from the sanctuary is available near the center front doors for children who need to relocate for a few
Like our dress, the atmosphere at The Journey is informal. Each week, coffee and snacks are available, and you are welcome to take them into the sanctuary with you. Our style is interactive, casual and family oriented. Participants of all ages may be seen reading scripture, singing on the worship team or serving as ushers. On occasion, we take a coffee break right in the middle of worship in order to provide an intentional time of talking to visitors and catching up with each other.
Following worship, we also tend to hang out for a long time in order to continue to get to know and support each other.